In the season premiere of CBS’ NCIS (airing Tuesday, Sept. 20, at 8/7c), Tony appears to have set his sights anew on EJ Barrett — just as someone else sets their gun sights on them. And TVLine has a pair of exclusive photos from the couple’s, um, intense reunion.
To recap how Season 8 left off: In the wake of the Port-to-Port Killer’s reign of terror, EJ (played by Sarah Jane Morris) left her post at NCIS — but not before stealthily extracting a microchip from the arm of one of her dead teammates. As the finale wrapped, the new SECNAV handed Tony (Michael Weatherly) a classified assignment, to take down an agent who is selling top-secret information. Judging by Tony’s reaction to the photo, the target is somebody he knows.
Hmmm. Who here took math…? Or do “EJ” plus “mole” not add up to “mystery solved”?
“EJ taking the microchip significantly changed her relationship with Tony,” NCIS executive producer Gary Glasberg tells us. “From a storytelling perspective, the change was phenomenal, and added all kinds of complexity to their interaction.”
Speaking of complicated interactions, check out these pics of Tony meeting up with EJ — and how sparks start literally flying soon afterward! — upon the return of TV’s most watched scripted series.