7.3 Inside Man:
Ziva: That is total Salami!
Tony: Bologna
7.4 Good Cop, Bad Cop:
Ziva: Do you catch my GRIFT?
Tony: “Drift”.
7.6 Outlaws and In-Laws:
Ziva: We are here to sit on the baby Sit on the baby instead of Babysit
7.7 Endgame:
Tony: …but I am DiNozzo. Hear me roar.
Ziva: “Like an elephant?”
7.10 Faith:
Ziva: Redthroats
Tony: Rednecks
Ziva: Whatever
Ziva: Bah Hom Bog
Tony: Bah-What?
7.11 Ignition:
Tim: I think your morning internet routine needs a bit of tweaking.
Ziva: Oh, that’s that thing where people tell complete strangers whether they started their day putting on both socks then both shoes or one sock and one shoe or the other sock or the other shoe.
7.15 Jack-Knife:
(regarding becoming a US Citizen and NCIS agent)
Ziva: There are a few strings being tugged
Tony: Pulled. You pull strings
Damon Werth: You tug heartstrings.
Ziva: Hearts have strings?
7.16 Mother’s Day:
Ziva: (regarding her citizenship test) I want to pass with swimming colors
Tim: Flying, flying colors.
Ziva: I heard about that, the shooter was in the book suppository.
Tony: Depository.
7.18 Jurisdiction:
7.20 Moonlighting:
Susan (Polygraph Lady): You have to catch them (the Rafferty Brothers), now. Like right now.
Tony: We’re working on it.
Ziva: We have hit a SHAMU.
Susan: She mean SNAFU?
Tony: Roll with it.
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